Be a Social Media Journalist

Hey girls,

It’s no secret we all post to Facebook, Twitter and sometimes LinkedIN from our phone, right? Updating your friends and/or customers from the “road” or “field” whichever you want to call it, is social media journalism. You’re documenting your actions with the objective of sharing and gathering feedback.

You can take these skills and make your events virtual by acting as a social media journalist. This is a great way of gaining event participation from those who are unable to attend or simply inspiring actual attendees to engage with each other online at the event. This is also good to keep in mind if you’re traveling and want to report from your adventure(s).

Here are some best practices before the event:
1. Create a Twitter hashtag so people can easily follow the event online.
2. Promote the event details and Twitter hashtag together on your website, invite and social media outlets.
3. Download the phone apps you want to use and don’t forget your charger!
4. Encourage people to check-in at the event on FourSquare, Facebook Places or Gowalla.

Here are some best practices during the event:
1. Begin the live reporting by introducing the event and thanking people for following along. Don’t forget to use the hashtag!
2. Make it interactive. Ask questions, take a poll, post pics and video.
3. Tweet a modest amount. You know your audience better than anyone, so just make sure you’re tweeting enough to keep people engaged while also ensuring you’re not annoying your followers.

I am a huge fan of these phone apps for live reporting!

What apps are you a fan of? Lets talk about it!

Posted on June 2, 2011, in Apps, Facebook, LinkedIN, Mobile, Social Check-ins, Twitter, Video and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Great post! Never really thought of myself as a journalist when I’m covering events live on social media but after reading your post find it an appropriate analogy.

    Congrats on the new blog!

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