How to Manage your Facebook Newsfeed

Hey girls,

You’re social, you’re connected, so there is no doubt your Facebook newsfeed is an exhaustive list of updates from friends, family, co-workers and Pages. It can be overwhelming trying to sort through the clutter and actually find an update worth reading…not that we don’t care that [Insert Name] just bought the hottest peep-toe pumps. Narrowing-in on the newsfeed helps cut the clutter and make your Facebook time more valuable.

There are two options at the top of your newsfeed: (1) Top News and (2) Most Recent containing a drop-down menu. That drop-down menu will be your newsfeed lifesaver!

Top News is determined by Facebook’s Edgerank algorithm. The most interaction (i.e. thumbs-up and comments) an update has by people you interact with frequently, the more robust Edgerank it receives, thus making it “Top News.” You can learn more about Edgerank here.

I am definitely an advocate for the Most Recent option on the newsfeed. You can sort your newsfeed to see Facebook update just by Pages you like, updates that contain photos only, updates that contain links only and other options.

I like the Edit Options on the drop-down menu. This will show you the specific Facebook friend updates you have chosen to “Hide” from your newsfeed. It also gives you the opportunity to view updates from: (1) Friends and Pages your interact with most or (2) All your Friends and Pages.

Do you see “Katango?” It’s an app I used to help me create Facebook friend lists. Check it out here! This is not an ad, nor did I receive any payment or benefit for mentioning Katango.

Posted on August 26, 2011, in Facebook and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Great FB info. Will certainly be using this 🙂

  2. Thanks so much for this!! I am NOT skilled at social media and I am learning so much from these posts!

  3. more importantly, how do I stop getting everyones feed once I leave a comment somewhere. so don’t want that stuff in my inbox! great info, allison!

  4. Hi Susan. Are you talking about the email alerts you receive when people comment on a post after you?

  5. As always, great info, Allison. I’m going to share this with my FB friends!

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