Category Archives: Privacy

Tips for Safe WiFi Use

Hey girls,

I know I can’t speak for you, but I use WiFi quite frequently. I use it at home with my personal WiFi and when I am out at cafes, airports and other places. Are you in the same boat? Whether you are or aren’t I think you’ll find this information helpful in how to protect your information when using WiFi. The folks at Real Simple shared an easy list to ensure we remain safe online.

1. Create a password for your home/office WiFi.

2. Set your router for encryption.

3. When your computer is requesting an “update,” DO IT! Update your virus protection, applications…everything.

4. Connect only to legitimate WiFi spots.

5. Try to do a majority of your web activity at home. This is always the safest.

Protect Yourself on LinkedIN

Hey girls,

Did you know LinkedIN allows third parties (i.e. products, people or services) that you have either recommended or followed on the site to use your NAME and PHOTO in LinkedIN ads? It also allows third parties to send you promotional content. I find this to be intrusive, don’t you?

According to LinkedIN, they notified users last month of the changes it was making on its privacy policy. LinkedIN advises we can opt-out of the changes, but fails to describe how. Implying we should figure it out for ourselves.

Steps to opt-out of receiving promotional content:
1. Click on your name (top right) to view drop down
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on Email Preferences
4. Click on Turn on/off Partner InMail
5. Unclick the two boxes and click Save Changes

Steps to opt-out of LinkedIN using your name and photo in ads:
1. Click on your name (top right) to view drop down
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on Account
4. Click on Manage Social Advertising
5. Unclick the box and click Save Changes

Steps to opt-out of LinkedIN sharing your info with 3rd party applications:
1. Click on your name (top right) to view drop down
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on Groups, Companies and Applications
4. Click on Turn on/off data sharing with 3rd party applications
5. Unclick the box and click Save Changes

I hope you find this helpful!

Mobile Privacy on Facebook

Hey girls,

Did you know strangers, telemarketers and web savvy crooks can get information about you simply from your phone number? Spooky, right? For example, this site allows people to pay to obtain information about you via your phone number. Sickening. Personally, it irks me which is why I keep my personal social media privacy levels high and never add my phone number.

I was recently browsing my friends on Facebook and clicked on the Edit Friends button. I discovered the Contacts button on the left-navigation bar. Low and behold, my Facebook friends who have their phone numbers listed in their Facebook profile are openly disclosing their numbers to me and many other people, depending on their Facebook privacy settings.

To ensure your phone number is not visual to anyone on Facebook or if you want just your Facebook Friends to see it, I suggest going to your Facebook privacy settings and click on Customize Settings. This will allow you to customize who sees what. For example, who sees your photos versus who sees your religious and political views, etc.

I hope you find this helpful!