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Heads-up. YouTube Changes Underway.

The team at YouTube are up to something…I logged-in to YouTube today (1/2/2012) and was surprised to see a completely new look and feel, as well as more features. When I visited the site two weeks ago, it didn’t look like this. Clearly, the YouTube folks are stewing up a change. This must be in beta because under my Video Manager account, it offers me the opportunity to go back to the “old look.”

Now that the major social media players are on the cusp of maturity, we’re seeing many new layouts, features and functionality from YouTube, Twitter (back in December ’10) and Facebook’s launch of Timeline.

It appears YouTube is making an effort to increase engagement and increase user-friendliness by the looks of the options on the left navigation bar.

  • Add channels
  • New comments
  • Subscriptions. Click on one of the channels you subscribe to and see it’s most recent activity.
  • Social. This gives you the option of connecting your current social networking outlets such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Orkut.
  • From YouTube: Trending, Popular, Music, Entertainment
  • Suggested channels. Use this to find what you’re missing or what YouTube thinks you’ll like.

The navigation options on the left side help us find what we’re really after, whether it be trending videos, most popular videos, YouTube activity from our Facebook friends and more.

With a new YouTube home page comes a new look and feel for YouTube channels. Here’s an example from one of the channels I subscribe to, which is StyleMint. Ok ok, no Mary-Kate and Ashley jokes…I subscribe for the fashion snippets. First thing I noticed was channel subscribers can now easily interact with the channel by posting a comment in the status box (top right). Prior to the “makeover,” the status box was toward the bottom and difficult to find (red arrow in image below).

Do you frequent YouTube often? What are your thoughts on the change? More change may be coming, but I wanted this post to be a heads-up for you all!

Here’s a snapshot of the old YouTube channel layout, from MINIUSA.

#2011 Social Media Rewind

As I begin this post, we’re just hours away from January 1, 2012. What a year it’s been for us social media gals and guys. Remember when Facebook decided to deprecate FBML in Facebook Pages? Forcing Page Admins to learn iFrames…or at least try.

Do you recall when Spotify launched in the U.S?

What about the impact social media played in this year’s global events? Egypt. Japan. Joplin and others.

As you know, social media is an incredibly powerful tool for networking with friends, colleagues and industry folk. Building a brand. Trouble-shooting customer service issues. Connecting with one’s or a brand’s customers on a deeper level than the telephone or email. Most importantly the ability to make an impact and help others during distress. I am thankful for social media for many reasons and that being one of them.

Social media evolved quite a bit this year. Here’s a short and sweet recap for ya. I hope you have a great News Year’s celebration and an even better 2012!

Facebook decides to test adding users’ old Facebook updates in a Memorable Stories sidebar. Has anyone actually noticed old status updates on the sidebar. I think I noticed a few.

Twitpic launches new video-sharing feature. Do any of you use it? Or just use the video feature on your iPhone, Droid etc?

Facebook officially changes the look and feel for all existing Pages and does not allow the addition of new FMBL tabs. Page Admins had the option of upgrading to the new Page in February or wait till March 10 when it became permanent.

Did you hear of the Hootbar? Well, it arrived in April when Hootsuite acquired Twitterbar and made a Hootbar. Awww, how cute.

Facebook begins it’s attempt to get into the social check-in + deals arena with the launch of check-in deals to Facebook Pages; Pages that contained an actual street address. Sorry eTailers (sans brick-n-mortar stores).

Google+ launches and becomes wildly popular due to a curiosity factor. Invitations were scarce and demand for an account was high! Wajam launches and allows us to search the web and find content based on what our social networking friends have shared on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Facebook teams-up with Skype! The social network launches new ways to interact with your Facebook friends: multi-person chat and live video calling.

FourSquare adds updates it’s user experience by adding Lists and Events. All your public Google+ posts now appear in Google search results…love it!

By this time, we’re increasingly becoming social online. 100 million people have Klout. Hootsuite acquires Geotoko and enhances it’s check-in features.

Google+ traffic drops, according to this study. LinkedIN now allows businesses to post status updates on their company Pages; previously businesses were only allowed to do this in their LinkedIN Groups.

Finally! Google+ allows the creation of Business Pages. This was great news for social media pros in all sectors of business. Augmented reality (AR) becomes increasingly popular in marketing campaigns for brands such as Starbucks, National Geographic, Disney, PBS Kids and many others. You can check-out my AR post here.

Twitter changes it’s look and feel in an effort to enhance Twitter search and connect with others. You can find my recap of the change here.

Spotlight on Pillsbury

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Pillsbury?” Cookie dough? Crescent rolls? How about that lil doughy man that giggles when he’s poked in the belly? I’m certain I think of all of the above. I grew up in a Pillsbury household. We enjoyed the break-n-bake cookies, the rolls at dinner and during the holidays and especially the cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. Although nowadays I prefer homemade baked goods, but I wanted to spotlight Pillsbury’s social media activity.

Facebook – Over 1.3 million fans

  • Pillsbury puts a face to its Facebook Page with a “Meet Us” tab. This is great because it makes the Facebook interaction between the brand and fans more personal.
  • Crescent rolls are big favorites during the holidays, so Pillsbury makes them front and center with a “Crescents” tab. The custom tab allows you to chat with other crescent fans, share photos of your best crescent roll dish, send a virtual crescent roll gift and browse recipes.
  • The Page admins have done a great job of organizing its photos so fans can enjoy and browse photos more easily. For example, photo album “Frozen Treats,” “July 4 Menu” etc.
  • Some other fun and interactive tabs on this Page are “Recipes,” which is fan-gated so that you must “Like” the Page before you can enjoy the copious amount of recipes. Don’t forget to check-out “Rookie Bake-Off” too.

Twitter – Over 23,000 followers

  • #5ingredients, #ideasmadeeasy, #CookingWithKids, #doughboy, #thanksgiving…just a handful of many hashtags Pillsbury uses to organize it’s Twitter conversations and cater to followers’ specific interests.

YouTube – Over 28,000 channel views

  • There are a variety of playlists highlighting the Pillsbury products. Watch videos about pizza crusts, biscuits and more.
  • Pillsbury promotes his commercials too.
  • No worries about burning your Pillsbury goodness or not knowing what to do with the extra biscuit can in your fridge. Pillsbury has many how-to videos as well!

Follow the social media chatter directly on it’s homepage. I just couldn’t pass-up this Doughboy fun!